15 PAX at H0.0ch for a BallBoy Birthday Board-O-Pain
AO: The H0.0ch
When: 05/24/2019
QIC: BallBoy
PAX (15): Feathers, ReadyMix, Curry, Meatball, Splinter, Hamburglar, Boomer, Zohan, Pooh Bear, Sneakers, Saint20, FNG (Mongo), Popper, Scrooge
2 days shy of my birthday, YHC decided to introduce the Board of Pain to those PAX who hadn’t yet be introduced. How could I forget the complete exhaustion it brought on my first time at the Widowmaker? Everyone should get to experience that…
Imperial Walkers
Weed Pickers
Mountain Climbers
Mozy lap (high knees, buttkickers, slides & Bernie)
The Thang:
The mozy lap continued up to the coupon pile where the PAX loaded up and then partnered up in front of the garage doors with a nice view of the Board-O-Pain. Instructions were as follows:
Start at the top and move down the list
Between both partners, reach the total number of reps (doesn’t have to be half and half)
Bear Crawl to the stairs
Run/Walk/Fall up the stairs and back down
Walking Lunges back to the coupons
Move to the next excercise and REPEAT
Time permitting (and it did not), work back up the board once the end is reached
At this point there was banter about the length of the explanation. Shortly there would be silent wishes that the instructions had taken longer.
- 100 Squats (with coupon)
- 100 Kettle Bell Swings (with coupon)
- 150 Curls (of coupon)
- 200 LBCs (while gazing at coupon)
- 50 Burpees (jumping over coupon)
- 100 Ronda Rousey (feet on coupon)
- 100 Overhead Presses (of coupon)
- 100 Monkey Humpers (directed at coupon)
- 100 Derkins (upon coupon)
- 100 Mountain Climbers (that’s enough coupon)
The PAX bravely completed the Board top-to-bottom but was disappointed that YHC didn’t allow time to complete a full reversal back to the top (or the usual MOM). Maybe we skip the warm-up and instructions next time.
Travel mercies over the Memorial Day weekend, Flo doing a big ruck, prayers for those affected by flooding in OK and tornadoes in Midwest.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Next time you see YHC, I’ll be a year older but still not yet through my first year of F3. Can’t understate how much I’ve enjoyed the struggles and pain, and not just in the coffee-talk! What a great group with which to grow stronger physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Honored as always,