Mile Medley à la F3 Style
AO: The Wreck
When: 06/19/2019
QIC: Circus
PAX (30): Aflac, Tumble Weed, Polaroid, Brutus, Backside, Doogie, Bronco, Divot, Double D, Sparky, Shrinkage, Manchester, Kegger, Headset, Rusty, Squeegee, Free Pie, Squeak, Swamp Donkey, Deadbeat, Moped, Viking, Windex, Grease Monkey, Thumper, Wide Right, Tweaker
Mosey from the flag to the playground area and around the adjacent baseball field back to the tennis court parking lot. The PAX circled up for the following exercises:
SSH x 40
Toy Soldiers x 40 (20 each leg)
Slow Squats x 20
Cotton Pickers x 20
Slow Merkins x 20
After the warm-up, we moseyed in the reverse direction returning to the playground for the first event of the morning’s beat down.
The Thang:
Mile Medley à la F3 Style
The PAX partnered up and performed one set of the following exercises then run a lap around the baseball field, approximately a quarter of a mile. Rinse and repeat until all four sets are completed.
12 Pull-ups
24 Bro-pees
36 Bro-kins
48 Dips
The “Gazelles” threw in rounds of Mary while waiting for the 6. We then moseyed towards the flag and around the back side of the tennis courts to the duck pond for the next event.
Catch Us If You Can
The PAX formed teams of three partners. Partner B and C wheelbarrow in the counterclockwise direction around the pond. Partner A performs 10 Squats and 10 Lunges and then sprints to catch the pair. Partner A and B wheelbarrow in the same direction. Partner C performs the exercises and then sprints to catch the pair. Partner C and A wheelbarrow. Partner B performs the exercises and then sprints to catch the pair. Repeato.
About halfway around the pond and with 5 minutes left, we moseyed back to the flag.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
- Aflac turning a “respectable” age soon and is scheduled to Q at Rubicon and The Wreck on Thur and Fri respectively
- 2nd F event tonight at 7:00 at Senor Petron celebrating the One Year Anniversary of The Gladiator