Back at the Blackjack table
AO: Firehouse
When: 06/27/2019
QIC: Reuben
PAX (3): Fudd, Olaf, Reuben
3 PAX hit the gloom for a handful of merkins and a little fun. Let’s set the table.
Mosey up to Stonehenge for warm-up:
- Windmill
- Weed-picker
- Good morning
- Tin-man
We continued warm up with a bear crawl ring of fire in the circle. One full revolution. Each pax would do a set of 10 merkins IC while other pax hold plank.
The Thang:
Mosey down back towards upper soccer field. Each street light we stopped and did a merkin. Increase by 1 merkin at each stop. Total of 10 at last light post.
The fun began at the soccer field for a friendly game of Blackjack of merkins and LBC’s. Start with 1 merkin and 20 LBC’s. Running sideline to sideline (forward down and Bernie Sanders back). End with 20 merkins and 1 LBC.
With no time left, we headed back to the flag for COT.
Prayers for health for missing PAX and strength and wisdom as husbands and fathers.
2nd F coming 3rd week of July.