Baseball returns to the Firehouse

AO: Firehouse

When: 04/29/2021

QIC: Ace Ventura

PAX (7): Ace Ventura Script Kiddie Buckeye Suarez Lightweight Zuckerburg Lifelock


Ace Ventura arrived first and planted the flag.  As others arrived, some light mumble chatter was engaged.


PAX moseyed to the usual warm up location.

Side-straddle hops



Standing leg lifts

At this point, Suarez arrived and was given a hard time for being late (seems to be a recurring theme).

The Thang:

PAX divided up and were stationed at 4 bases (home, first, second, third).  Each base had a specific exercise assigned.  Once home plate completed their exercise, they were to bear crawl to first, where the PAX there then crawled to second, and so on.  When each set of PAX returned to their initial base, all went to the field sideline for a heavy sprint, then recovery for 2 minutes.

Round 1:

Home – 10 burpees

First – Shoulder tap merkins

Second – Squats

Third – American Hammers


Round 2:

Home – 10 burpees

First – Leg Lifts

Second – Carolina Dry Docks

Third – Freddie Mercuries


Round 3:

Home – 5 burpees

First – Alternating leg squats

Second – Merkins

Third – LBCs


Then it was time for a round of Mary.

Suarez – Windshield wipers

Buckeye – Box cutters

Lightweight – Sitting squats against a wall

Lifelock – American Hammers

Zuckerburg – Jump squats

Script Kiddie – V-ups/Y-ups


6th man fell to Lifelock, who shared about his desire to attended University of North Georgia for their cyber security program.

MOC  went to Scrip Kiddie, who shared Winston Churchill’s wisdom on not letting success make you complacent or failure permanently define you.

Prayers were given to Suarez’s M, who is recovering from side affects of the COVID19 vaccine and to Lifelock hopefully able to pass his PE exam today after a particular tough beatdown (he attempted to fartsack but Lightweight would not allow him to).

Naked-Man Moleskin:

PAX gathered for coffee.  There was discussion of the “old days” of being able to stay out late with minimal supervision and sitting at home on Saturday morning watching cartoons like the Super Mario Brothers Super Show.


Ace Ventura and Script Kiddie did their normal post-beatdown ruck, where new AO plans were discussed.

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