Homer’s (Heisenberg’s) Hill
AO: The Widowmaker
When: 05/01/2021
QIC: Homer
PAX (16): Boomer, Zohan, Zuul, Feathers, Funyun, First Rule, Skippy, Danno, TMI, FNG (Over Draft), Ha-ha, Birdie, Speedo, YouTube, Meat Ball, Homer
I’ve been doing F3 since December 2018 and have posted often at the Widowmaker, but until today, had not ‘had the keys’ to it. I had hoped to see more Gwinnett representation at this amazing AO that meets at Webb Bridge Park, but we shall have to try again later… and the punishment will be dealt out to future PAX who neglected this road trip.
After disclaimer, a mosey around and to the top parking lot. Circle up. SSH, Imperial Walker, Copperhead Squat. Mosey towards the pavilion with the steps.
The Thang:
Thang #1
Not 11s, but 10s. 9 step ups + 1 dip. 8 step ups + 2 dips. All the way to 1 step up and 9 dips
Mosey toward rock pile on back side of soccer field.
Thang #2
Partner up. Partner A will run lap around the lot while Partner B does AMRAP Exercise with Rock. Rinse/Repeat – Exercises include Curls, Shoulder Press, Skull Crushers, Rows.
Mosey toward the Hill. Quick decision for some DB Drills as we left the lot. Mosey all the way to the bottom of the Widowmaker. Ha-ha reminded YHC that I needed to slow down a bit. Didn’t even realize/consider that SLOW Homer could leave the six behind. My bad. Hit the ground for american hammers until the six is in.
Continue Mosey to the grass field across bridge.
Thang #3
Partner Up for a DORA 1-2-3. Partner A run to end of field and back. Partner B 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBCs. Rinse/Repeat. Gazelles finished and circled up on their own while six finished the DORA.
Point of Fact… There be burrs in that grass. I dug several out of my hair later.
Thang #4
We found ourselves at the bottom of the Widowmaker and had to work our way up to the top. There are so many ways to traverse this hill. Luckily YHC had found a backblast once upon a time and always expected it to be used one Saturday in the Gloom at the Widowmaker, but had never seen it brought back. I knew that If I ever had a Q at Widowmaker, I would pull it out. It was time.
On 6/23, QIC Foghorn coined it Heisenberg’s Hill. (Thank you DR PAX from Jacksonville – Heisenberg)
The PAX that day were: Devito, Lowes, Jazz Hands (FNG), Zohan, HaHa, Nacho Libre, Mayhem, Pellets, Saint2O, Sneakers, Heisenberg (DR). A few PAX we know. A few we miss. A few I’ve never heard of.
The Heisenberg Hill is 10 strides backwards up the hill, 5 strides forward.
The PAX quickly learn that the more we run back down the hill, the more we have to reclimb it in a backwards run.
We picked up the Six and all made it to the top.
Mosey back to the soccer field by the flag/parking lot.
Time for some Mary:
Note: we had girls soccer teams starting to arrive for Saturday morning practice/games.
Started with Gas Pumper, Flutter kicks, somewhere along the way we had some Pickle Pointers, Pickle Pounders, Wacky Jacks, Monkey Humpers, Rosalitas. I’d like to go on record that we are children. And that’s OK! F3 should be fun. It’s MORE than a Workout!
Welcome Over Draft. Think YouTube eh’d him this morning. Another John’s Creek’r. YHC was forbidden from adding him to the Gwinnett PAX list.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Great morning with these men. We finished it off with COT and Coffee at Bagel Boys. Everyone was fairly quiet, but just looking around and checking out the smiles on the PAX made this Q worthwhile.