On The Fly
AO: The Wreck
When: 06/23/2021
QIC: Bear
PAX (15): Vanilla, Juul, Bieber, Swamp Donkey, Choo Choo, Norm, Foley, Squeegee, Tubbs, Aflac, Sellout, Ibeam, Windex, Echo, Bear
What a morning! Beautiful weather and big summer blowout crowd!
Mosey to parking lot by gymnastics building. Plank Jacks, Mtn Climbers, T Bombs, Crabby Pattys (in crab walk position and touch hand to opposite foot).
The Thang:
Mosey to concrete bleachers by football turf field. Partner up.
One partner does box jumps while other partner runs the inside of the football field. Then switch. Each partner does 2 sets of box jumps.
Repeat with Merkins. Then Dips.
Mosey to playground.
Same partners. One partner doing pullups while other runs to top of grass hill and back. Each partner does 2 sets.
Mosey to parking lot near tennis courts on way back to flag. Line up across from partner. Bear Crawl to opposite side then do 10 burpees. Completed 2 rounds then mosey back to flag.
Quick flutter kicks and diamonds and time called. Nice work men!!
Crabtree workout on Sat July 3rd if you are not doing Peachtree (or pull a double if you are!)
Naked-Man Moleskin:
My favorite part of the workout was gathering for coffeeteria afterward while the sun was coming up. I am grateful for this group of men and for their commitment to get better and make me better. It’s really unique.