The Greatest and Best Beatdown
AO: The Academy
When: 06/29/2021
QIC: Mayhem
PAX (2): Stroller, Mayhem
In the misty summer stillness of a typical Alpharetta morning, legend has it that 2 PAX entered the Academy and bared witness to the greatest and best Beatdown ever. Through the annals of time, scholars contend it was the Killer B’s of the 2019 IronPax, or perhaps the 2020 Sasquatch that previously held the crown. Yet now a new foundation has been formed, and hardened the mind, body and souls of the two HIMs that dared to take on said challenge.
What transpired? Was there bloodshed? Is the whole purpose of this long-winded preamble to chastise those who missed it?
One cannot say for certain. But as is our tradition, YHC will attempt to retell this feat of glory.
Are you kidding?
The Thang:
Event #1 – W.A.S.H
50 Werkins, 50 American Hammers (Alpha), Stadium Stairs (one circuit), 50 Hip Thrusters. One lap around the track after each set.
Event #2- Bojangles Biscuit
Sprint the straight-aways, mosey the turns. 4 Laps. Appreciate Stroller keeping me honest.
Event #3 – S.C.R.E.W.E.D.
After a short mosey over to the far side of the track, the next exercise was similar to the WASH, but with a medium/large coupon.
50 Skullcrushers, 50 Curls, 50 Rosalitas (J. Lopezes, my bad), 50 Elf on a Shelf, 50 Wide Goblet Squats, 50 second coupon extension, 50 Derkins. Between each set included a mosey to the crosswalk.
Event #4 – Catch me if you can (kind of)
After a mosey around Innovation Academy, 3 rounds of Catch Me if you can in the main parking lot. 1 Pax runs backward, the other performs the exercise, catches up and switch. Lap one exercise was 5 Burpees, then 10 Carolina Dry Docks, and finally 15 LBCs.
With a couple minutes left, we knocked out a couple rounds of Mary before our hour was up. In total, we racked up 4+ miles and a lot of pain.
In all seriousness, very thankful for this AO and happy to keep the lights on while numerous PAX are on vacation/recovering from injury. It’s really an awesome spot, and I get excited every time I get to lead here.