“Cock Tricks”
AO: Academy
When: 03/01/2022
QIC: No-See-Um
PAX (7): Caffey, Devito, Hollywood, Mayhem, MillerTime, Turbine
Let YHC start by saying it is always a plus when a pax gives you the title of your BD and makes it easy. Thank you Turbine!
Not sure what made YHC choose a couple memorable exercises this am but that is what happened. Of course, one was only memorable to me since it was such a pathetic performance….. 0-8-2!! Really!!?? The next memorable one….keep reading to find out.
7 Pax took the #DRP and pretty sure all had on some sort of Blue/Yellow in support of Ukraine (see picture).
Nope…unless you consider moseying to the big parking garage by city hall.
The Thang:
WALL WALKS to get the men going on the first deck of parking garage. Then 2 at next level, then 3, etc all the way to 5. Don’t let that number fool you, if done right these got you winded in a hurry.
WALL SITS at very top with 10 count per man….unless you’re Caffey and he only got to count 1 and 8 🙂 .
Mosey back down to bottom level and out to gazebo where circle field is. COYOTE UGLY’s on the steps = 3 Merkins going up/3 coming back down w/ 1 on each step (watch your chin fellas) while partner holding legs in wheelbarrow position. 3 sets per pax then Flap Jack.
ROCHAMBURPEES (Rock/Paper/Scissors w/ Burpees/Merkins and run) these were a blast unless you were the Q where Devito asserted his dominant mind games and proceeded to go 8-0-2 vs. YHC. 10 total rounds with Burpee/Run for loser and Merkin/SSH’s for winner. Rep count increased by round of course (1-10).
*Again, YHC is pretty sure that Devito was a World Junior Rock/Paper/Scissors champion or something……sheesh!!!
Mosey to small hill for some Joe Hendricks (backwards Bear Crawl to the top, named after a pax in Denver). Back to front of Academy for the real main event of the morning. YHC proceeded to explain the Bropee (burpee with partner high ten) which plenty of pax knew but something a little different was how about a burpee with a chest bump at the top??
That’s right…here’s The Academy’s introduction to the Bangkok Burpee. 3 sets of 5 each with partner and run in between. This will be a real crowd favorite when done on a Saturday morning in full daylight at a crowded park (Widowmaker) or busy downtown area (Nirvana). Pretty sure Turbine didn’t like these ‘cock tricks’ YHC had for the pax and kept asking if there were any more “Cock Tricks” to come….
YHC finished off with a modified Dora at the Stadium (50-Shoulder Taps, 100 American Hammers, 150 Bonnie Blairs) and then one lap of a Scout Run. Back to flag for two sets of Mary.
- YHC shared message from his pastor’s sermon on Sunday about Phileo. Phileo is one of the four loves in the bible and is described as an emotional connection that goes beyond just casual friendships. And as Mayhem put it “taking Joy in other’s company”. Could only think of F3, the relationships and the Phileo we all experience!
- Prayers and much discussion was also had on Ukraine and thanks to Devito for reminding the men to wear Blue/Yellow in support.
- Also, YHC’s 19th wedding anniversary today!
Naked-Man Moleskin:
- Note to self – avoid partnering with Devito on any type of Rock/Paper/Scissors challenge. Pretty sure MT did just that so maybe he knew something.
- Thank you all for playing along with the pre-blast fun and kudos to Caffey for nailing the pictures posted…..Miller Time was close but also pretty far away (see slack if you want more detail 🙂 ).
- Lots of fun mumble chatter this am and great group of regular HIM were out. Let’s see if we can EH some more pax that deserve to see what The Academy is all about.