Spring is in the Air
AO: The Wreck
When: 03/21/2022
QIC: gmonkey
PAX (16): aflac, Bear, Blue, Cliff - Chris Noto, Doogie, Echo, Matt Shields-Norm, Moonshine, Raider, Rooney- timlonergan, Sell-out, Squeegee, Tubbs, Yankee, Pigtails
First day of Spring. Time to get out and celebrate some warmer temps, sort of.
Little different warmup format today. OYO exercises while YHC expressed a musical expression of his mental state the past few months.
- Weed Pickers
- Mountain Climbers
- Plank Jacks
The Thang:
PAX were instructed to break into teams of 3. I had to take Q authority not to join Aflac’s team.
Each team then grabbed one cinder. Aflac’s team had the pleasure of our being introduced to our new CMU: LRC (Little Red Corvette). Maybe only 10 lbs heavier than your typical block but who’s counting? We then moseyed to the cul de sac, one PAX carrying the cinder and the other two moseying backwards. Any gap of 20 yards+ in teammates resulted in Merkin penalties.
At the cul de sac PAX were greeted with some additional cinders (2 per team) with the ghost of The General looking on. Two stations set about 30 yards apart. Partner A begins working these exercises with cinder until relieved:
- 5 Thrusters
- 10 Squats
- 15 Curls
- 20 Rows
Meanwhile Partner B begins working these until relieved:
- 5 Burpees
- 10 Big Boys
- 15 Merkins
- 20 Stone Mountains
Partner Cs travel from station 1 to 2 via Bears and Blocks to relieve Partner B and begin working on those exercises. Partner B grabs cinder and lunge walks back to relieve Partner A and begin working those exercises. Keep cycling through until everyone gets in about 3 rounds.
From here a shortish mosey over to The Wall for another set of 5/10/15/20:
- 5 Donkey Kicks
- 10 Handstand Merkins
- 15 Chicken Peckers
- 20 LBCs
3-4 rounds of this and time was expiring. A short mosey back to the flag serenaded by Mr Peter Gabriel. Any mention of “Monkey” had the PAX stop for burpee(s). There was a point I feel we were not making forward progress. But we managed to make it back to the flag at 0615 as the rule book states.
A quiet crowd today.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Don’t call it a comeback. I’ve been here for years…