HIIT it but don’t quit it, modify as necessary
AO: The Hooch
When: 01/23/2023
QIC: BallBoy
PAX (16): Angus, BallBoy, Birdie, Boomer, Feathers, Flo, Lotus, Maguire, Meatball, Mid-riff, Potter, PuffDaddy, Saint2O, Scrooge, Splinter, Sunshine
16 PAX decided to start the week off right and 2 pre-runners got a head start…
Started with a warm-up mosey to get the blood flowing, including some slide and high knees along the way.
We returned to the flag to pick up the just-arriving Six (you know who you are) and circled up for:
- Arm Circles both ways
- Copperhead Squats
- Imperial Walkers
The Thang:
The PAX moseyed to the theater which would be our staging ground for upcoming events. We stepped up the warm-up time by moseying up the sidewalk and stopping at the first 5 trees for increasing reps (1-5) of:
- Burpees
- Mercans
- Jump Squats
YHC must have been a little slow this morning as it took a minute to realize this was basically burpees next to deconstructed burpees, but hey, who doesn’t love a good burpee!
Back to the theater for the main event:
Shooting for a BallBoy version of HIIT, the phone and speaker were present so we could listen to some motivational 80s classics while getting our tabata prompts. Here’s how that went:
4 exercises, 1 minute each (EMOM for the uninitiated), 5 burpees first to start each minute:
- Bonnie Blairs
- Annies
- Smurf Jacks
- Inverted T-Bombs ?
The exercises were followed by a run (not mosey) down the parking lane and back.
For recovery, at Q’s discretion, a mix of:
- 6 inches
- LBCs
- Planks
- Hand Release Release Mercans
The EMOM routine was then repeated with the lap, followed by ‘recovery’
The EMOM routine was shortened to 30 seconds each and removing the burpees, including the lap and the ‘recovery’
Last round similarly shortened and followed by a mosey back to the flag
Finished with a few minutes for Mary:
- Gas Pumpers
- Peter Parkers
- Flutter Kicks
- Jim Braddocks (yes, Lotus was there)
Praise for my new niece and a smooth adoption process for my sister. First announcement for Promise 686 fundraiser race. Prayers for a great week!
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Music to my ears to hear you guys tell me that it was hard and it was a full-body workout. Getting stronger is the goal and y’all crushed it today. Honored to lead!