30 for 30
AO: Gladiator
When: 02/16/2023
QIC: Judy
PAX (20): Bo Knows, Cheneral, defcon2, DREAMER, Dugger, Fire Drill, Hitchcock, Ironhead, Judy, Kegger, Macbeth, Mater, RaspberryPi, Scratch-Off, Spandex, Speedo, Stroller, Tebow, Pegleg, Brownie
It was a Judy VQ and belated 30th birthday Q. 20 PAX showed up in the gloom to do probably more running than they would have liked.
Mosey behind the parks and rec building to the adjacent parking lot.
[VQ struggles to count in cadence]
10 x weed pickers
10 x side shuffle hops
10 x hillbillies
Michael Phelps on your own
World’s greatest stretch
The Thang:
Moseyed over to the soccer field for the beatdown.
Started with a Bataan Death March around the field, with last person dropping to do 3 burpees and then sprinting to the front of the single-file running line. Ran until everyone had done burpees twice (about 38 cycles).
Then did a set of tempo merkins, copperhead squats, and leg lifts/flutter kicks, with sprints from the goal line after each set.
- 10 x tempo merkins (drop and hold last one)
- 10 x copper head squats
- 10 x tempo leg lifts (hold last one)
- Sprint to 25 yardline-ish, Bernie back
- 10 x tempo diamond merkins (drop and hold last one)
- 10 x copper head squat jumps
- 10 x flutter kicks (alpha count)
- Sprint to midfield, side-shuffle back
- 10 x tempo wide merkins (drop and hold last one)
- 10 x copper head squats
- 10 x tempo leg lifts (hold last one)
- Sprint the whole field, easy mosey back
- 10 x tempo merkins (drop and hold last one)
- 10 x copper head squat jumps
- 10 x flutter kicks (alpha count)
- Sprint to 25 yardline-ish, Bernie back
- 10 x tempo diamond merkins (drop and hold last one)
- 10 x copper head squats
- 10 x tempo leg lifts (hold last one)
- Sprint to midfield, side-shuffle back
- 10 x tempo wide merkins (drop and hold last one)
- 10 x copper head squat jumps
- 10 x flutter kicks (alpha count)
- Sprint the whole field, easy mosey back to the flag
Finished with a merkin ring of fire: 30 regular, 30 with everyone doing shoulder taps, and 30 with everyone doing mountain climbers
Had a couple extra minutes for 30 box cutters and 30 LBCs
75 Hard Challenge available for those who like pain… I mean who want to better themselves
Prayer requests:
-Duggar and his family with the anniversary of his father’s passing
-Mater’s back
Naked-Man Moleskin:
It was a pleasure leading my first Q. Thanks for being patient with me as I botched the warmup routine, but glad we got on a roll for the rest of the beatdown.
As I said at the COT, I’m glad I read that news article about F3 in September and decided to show up the next morning at Gladiator at 5:15. I appreciate you guys for pushing me to be better, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know y’all over the past several months.
Go Dawgs,