Fireside chat

AO: The Wreck

When: 07/05/2023

QIC: Meltdown

PAX (5): aflac, Matt Shields-Norm, Mountain Mama, Nutmeg


With the Crabtree race and the 4th of July being the day before and no one signed up to Q, YHC wasn’t sure what to expect. But 4 other pax fought past the allure of the fartsack to get better.


Some roving WOR. Did some high knees, butt kicks, static stretching, weed pickers, arm circles, and Michael Phelps, while moving towards the lake.

The Thang:

Started the day with a burpee quarter mile. Every corner, do 5 burpees for a single lap.

with nature calling for one of the pax, we headed over to the shelter for some laddering.
5 merkins, 5 derkins, 5 incline merkins. Run down to bridge and do 1 burpee. Then increase reps to 10, 15, and 20. Once done with merkinfest, time for some legs with squats, step ups, and Bonnie Blair’s.

of course Aflac noticed a fire pit with some nicely shaped coupons. We did some arm style ladders with the lovely shaped bricks doing curls, OHP, and skull crushers.

on the way back to the COT, did some fast bunny hops up the stairs. Once back at COT did some leg raises and hammers.


Reminder of ready mix quad coming up and possibly teaming up to complete with some pax.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always fun to get out with the group after a holiday.

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