7 and 11’s on 7/11

AO: Firehouse

When: 07/11/2023

QIC: Closets closets closets

PAX (06): Ace Ventura, Better Call Saul, CATFISH, Closets closets closets, Longshanks, Sirmixalot


Ace Ventura braved the gloom for the pre- beatdown


Short lap mosey

Weed pickers

willie mays hayes

sober sun gods

The Thang:

We all got coupons (cinders)

we did 7 reps of each then rifle carried to the second peninsula to complete 11 reps. we completed two rounds of:



overhead press

Murder bunnies

skull crushers

Put the coupons away then repeated the same idea with a run between each set of:

Fire hydrants

Box cutters


Crunchy Frogs


F2 next Wednesday. 6PM at Hall and Hound

Prayer requests

Today is the 6th anniversary of my prostate cancer surgery – please get your prostate checked every year!


Naked-Man Moleskin:

The secret to getting results that last is to never stop making improvements. It is remarkable what you can build if you just dont stop.

It is remarkable the business you can build if you dont stop working

It is remarkable the body you can build if you dont stop training.

It is remarkable the knowledge you can build if you dont stop learning.

It is remarkable the fortune you can build if you dont stop saving.

It is remarkable the friendships you can build if you dont stop caring.

Small habits dont add up, they compound!

From Atomic Habits.

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