Rocket VQ / Janeway Co-Q

AO: Starting Line

When: 08/05/2023

QIC: Rocket

PAX (10): Ace Ventura, Closets closets closets, Janeway, Jolt, LifeLock VPN, Lightweight, Rocket, Script Kiddie, Seaman, Sirmixalot


2.0 Rocket had been asking for quite some time to try out being the Q, and our job as leaders is to raise up the next generation surrounded by a community of encouraging PAX, so YHC (Janeway) saw an opportunity asked Rocket what he had in mind.  He immediately laid down a framework for a football field BD and starting naming off exercises which needed to be done.  So I got out my pad and pen, jotted Rocket’s plan down, and then worked with him over a number of weeks to refine the plan and prep him for the speaking aspects of leading the BD (if the PAX ever quiet down to listen).  It was decided that YHC would provide the warm-up and cool down/recovery plus add in a little fun after the main Thang.

Lots of PPRs today, and some picked up an FNG (now Jolt) along the route who stuck with us to the very bitter end.


Rocket gave the disclaimer then led us from the Pavilion on the run to the football field with three tolls of 10 Prisoner Squats at the base, landing and top of the stairs.  Once on the field, he led us down the sideline and back so the PAX could see the yard markers which had been set-up in advance listing the exercises so the PAX could get a preview of what they were in for.  Ace Ventura issued his first (or was it tenth?) complaint of the day about having to get down into the wet grass; Mother Nature strikes again.  Once assembled at the goal line, YHC (the Co-Q) lead the warm up in cadence:

Deep Breathing
Good Mornings
Sprinklers (every field needs them)
Willie Mays Hayes

Rocket then took the Q and gave the PAX two options for a 3 minute run along the perimeter of one side of the football field: follow Rocket for a Run AYG; or follow Janeway for a Mosey Run (most PAX stepped up to follow Rocket, and YHC noted that Rocket definitely was well ahead of all other PAX by time the song ended).

The Thang:

Rocket designed a simple but effective BD, starting at the goal line:

Run to the 10, do 10 burpees; run to the goal line, do BBSU until the Six does 6
Run to the 20, do 20 HR merkins; run to the goal line, do BBSU until the Six does 6
Run to the 30, do 30 Joe Louis; run to the goal line, do BBSU until the Six does 6
Run to the 40, do 40 leg lifts (single count); run to the goal line, do BBSU until the Six does 6
Run to the 50, do 50 SSH (single count); run to the goal line, do BBSU until the Six does 6
Sprint to the 100; Bernie Sanders to the goal line, do BBSU until the Six does 6
Rinse and repeat. (30 minutes total)

YHC took the Q for the remaing 15 minutes.  We did everyone’s favorite: a Bear Crawl to the 15 yard line; formed a tight line in high plank position, then conducted a Tunnel of Love (every PAX completing an army crawl through the tunnel while we listened to “Pour Some Sugar One Me”).  We then peformed lunges back to the goal line where we conducted a Bridge of Hate (it’s in the Exicon) with all PAX laying on their backs in a line while we sent Rocket (on his back as well) down the conveyor belt of our raised hands from one end of the bridge to the other.  Some other PAX asked to follow Rocket down the conveyor belt but we had to decline due to… time.

The PAX then ran back to the Pavilion for recovery; we had just a little time to burn so YHC called for an exercise and Ace Ventura called WW2 SUs (because he hadn’t had enough SUs during the main Thang?)

Deep Breathing
Sun Gods
Alternating Forward Lunges
Abe Vigodas
Ham Hangers
Deep Breathing


We welcomed our FNG, now Jolt, an awesome HIM so named because he experienced something similar to Doc Brown being hit by lightning at the top of the clock tower, flying off the ladder, and surviving.  We prayed for his continued healing and recovery, as well as a number of concerns held by the PAX.  Today’s Acceleration Point, which seemed timely for some HIM:

Like it or not, time relentlessly proceeds & we are being carried onward through life until there comes a day when our time in this world will be no more.  Our years will have passed away for ever, and we will never ever see them again.

So what should we do?  We must number our days, that we may live wisely.  This means to keep careful watch over our time with the same kind of attention that we give to budgeting money, making sure there is enough funds for all of life’s expenses.  The more limited our income is, the more we want to ensure that we are making the best use of it.  ‘Numbering our days’ is simply applying that same kind of discipline, but with time instead of money.  It means optimizing the limited time we have left, planning your activities carefully and deciding what activities deserve more time and what deserve less.  It also means trying to save time whenever possible, so that no hour is ever wasted.

If we do not keep careful track of where our time is spent, we will find it difficult to accomplish the important things we need to do, one of the most important of which is intentionally investing in our soul mate, our families, our community, each other and the next generation.

Let’s consider this week how we can number our days.  As Script Kiddie summed it up: If we lose money, it can be replaced; if we lose things, it can be replaced; if we lose time, that time is gone forever.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

YHC thanks all the PAX for supporting Rocket in his nacent Q; it was great to hear the accolades and encouragement punctuating today’s continual mumble-chatter from this brotherhood of HIM.  Today’s carefully selected soundtrack (most songs picked by Rocket):

Rocket (Def Leppard) – run to field w/ tolls
Clocks (Coldplay) – warm-up
Run (One Republic) – Rocket Run / Janeway Mosey
Pain: You Make Me a Believer (Imagine Dragons) – start of The Main Thang
Radioactive (Imagine Dragons)
Thunder (Imagine Dragons)
Bones (Imagine Dragons) – “My patience is waining, is this entertaining?” – halfway done!
Gladiator (Zayde Wolf)
Chicken Wing (Yangsta) – no, this was not the Bojangle’s menu put to music
Church Clap (KB)
What’s Up Danger (Blackway & Black Caviar)
Centuries (Fall Out Boy)
Pour Some Sugar on Me (Def Leppard) – Tunnel of Love
Time is Ticking Away (DC Talk) – run to pavilion
Peace (World Wide Message Tribe) – recovery

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