AO: The Wreck

When: 08/18/2023

QIC: Rooney- timlonergan

PAX (13): Rooney- timlonergan, Rooney, mango, tiny dancer, nympho, caboose, donor, juul, yankee, sellout, raider, Aflac, norm, thumper,


Well, Mango pulled his hammy when he sneezed on the run in to the wreck today (a run that then quickly became a walk).  This put us behind schedule but we arrived right on time… Aflac and Juul kept us accountable upon getting started shortly after our arrival.  So it was time to play.


I liked the recent idea of warm up at the first gazebo just in case there are late arrivers… A little side straddle hop, weed pickers, peed wickers (made up today), Michael Phelps… and maybe a couple burpees, then we were off to the races!

The Thang:


as quality as possible, not as many reps as possible.

partner up, one minute slow pull-ups as the other does slow push-ups (3 sets each)

Then there was a PAX coupon delivery from our middle collection to our football field collection.  Each PAX picks the exercise with the coupon to share with the group in a circle before Robin Hood style replenishing this coupon site.  Many good exercises chosen… feeling a little sore personally already actually


Figured we would finish strong with some gasers (some short and some long) while the partner did core work such as t bombs and side crunches etc

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Guys, we all thrive on structure.  Kids are back in school now, fall schedules are filled with activities already … if we aren’t careful, we will rush too much and miss out on a bunch of stuff.  So let’s be proactive.  Take a look in your heart spiritually, take a look at your schedule for how much you’re working … and how much you are with your bride or kids…  and how much you are doing things that you want to do for others.  If your calendar doesn’t have built in rest, built in quality time with those you love, built in time for developing yourself to be the best you can be… it is unlikely to happen.  Obviously y’all were there this morning so I am preaching to the choir physically, but how are the other areas in your life?  We all have areas that we can improve upon a little.  What is that for you?  Pause and think about it.
good luck!
God is good.

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