1 Leisurely Lap

AO: The Hooch

When: 08/21/2023

QIC: Feathers

PAX (21): Animal, BallBoy, Birdie, Boomer, Chesapeake, HIPAA, Humperdinck, Maguire, McCracken, Meatball, Popper (Dan Richard), Potter (Matt Rowand), PuffDaddy, Scrooge, Spackle, Splinter, Sunshine, Y2K, Zima, Paparazzi,


I promised to ease the PAX into the week.


Mosey with karaoke and lunges.  SSH, hillbillies, copperheads, moroccan nightclubs.

The Thang:

1(!) lap around the parking lot, with a few short pitstops along the way.  Goal was to keep this relatively large group together and leave no man behind.

Stop 1 (Masti parking lot):

  • 8 Kraaken Burpees
  • 16 Merkins
  • 24 Big Boys
  • 32 Copperhead Squats

Stop 2 (Abuelo’s parking lot):

  • 8 Crab Cakes
  • 16 Annies
  • 24 Flutter Kicks alpha
  • 32 Plank Jacks

Stop 3 (short wall):

  • 8 Absolutions
  • 16 Outlaws
  • 24 Lunge alpha
  • 32 Dips

Stop 4 (Theatre entrance):

  • 8 Burpee Broadjumps
  • 16 Jump Squats
  • 24 Shoulder Taps alpha
  • 32 SSH

Stop 5 (Alchemy patio):

  • 8 Kraaken Burpees
  • 16 Hand Release Merkins
  • 24 Big Boys
  • 32 Copperhead Squats

Stop 6 (Wall behind the weird bakery that is clearly a mafia front):

  • 8 Crab Cakes
  • 16 Annies
  • BTTW/Plank Jacks:
    • Split the group in half – 1 half proceeds to the wall and assumes balls to the wall position.  When last of that group gets into BTTW position, other half start doing 32 plank jacks.  When last person is done with plank jacks, BTTW Pax can recover.
    • Switch position, R&R.

Stop 7 (Parking lot area between Starbucks and said weird bakery)

  • 8 Parking Space Line Shuttle Run
  • 16 Outlaws
  • 24 Lunge (single count)

Stop 8 (Shovel Flag)

  • 8 Burpee Broadjumps
  • 16 Shoulder Taps single count


Announcements about Darth Visor convergence, South African Rugby event, Upcoming IPC (Sighs and groans all around).  No prayers vocalized, but all lifted up.

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