Match O Rama

AO: Meathouse

When: 08/29/2023

QIC: Pigtails

PAX (12): Angus, BallBoy, Fuzzy Dice, Hackeysack, Half-Dozen, HIPAA, Meatball, Pigtails, Saint2O, Spackle


With some rain showers overhead, we moved location to the parking deck. Nice hot, steamy parking deck.


The usual SSH, weed picker, copperhead squat, Moroccan night club

The Thang:

Q had 25 index cards face down 5 rows of 5.

11 exercises with a matching card and 3 with no matching card.. to make things a little interesting.

10 merkins

5 blockies

15 push press

15 goblet squats

10 halos

12 skull crushers

15 dips

20 curls

25 rows

15 Jump squats

10 side bends with coupon Alpha

3 cards with no matches:

Zanporini to end of parking lot and back

Run 1 lap

10 lunges with coupon alpha

PAX counted off and number 1 flipped a card and tried to find its match. All other PAX would watch to help remember where each card was to clear the board faster. Complete the exercise on each card and repeat. If you found the match, complete both sets and remove from table. Surprisingly the group found all matches with 7 minutes to spare so we did a circle of Mary exercises.


Prayers for Turks job transition and Tracy’s speedy recovery.

Naked-Man Moleskin:


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