Stack of Coupons make for an EPIC BD

AO: Grindstone

When: 09/08/2023

QIC: Hail Mary

PAX (14): Hail Mary, Henley, Inseam, Jiminy, jugdish, Omaha, Paparazzi (Sri), Snake, Snowman, Spackle, Spit Valve, Tsunami, Vanna, FNG (Noodle)


YHC promised an EPIC Beatdown in the pre-blast, and delivered a BD that included Elbow planks, Pushups, Interval Runs and Curls to live up to the promise 🙂

It was my 2nd Q and I tried to include several exercises that I liked, and may have over-indexed on the difficulty.  Super appreciative of our HIMs and their willingness to power through it.



Mosey to the top of the parking lot.

F3 Intro + Disclaimer–we had a FNG!

SSH, Sun Gods, Imperial Walker, Weed Picker to loosen up.

The Thang:

Moseyed to the football field with a pit stop to pick up a coupon.  PAX were warned there were many reps and to pick one that was appropriate.  While many went for size, YHC felt all the PAX toughed it thru the reps that followed.

We lined along the sideline of the football field.  BD consisted of…

  1.  20 Curls 4 the girls;  Get to other sideline;  20 shoulder tap merkins;  Get back.
  2.  20 thrusters followed by set 1.
  3.  20 Skull crushers followed by set 2.
  4. 20 bent over rows followed by set 3.
  5. 20 American Hammers (w coupon) followed by set 4.
  6. 20 Absolutions followed by set 5

For sets 1, 3 and 5, we moseyed to the other side, and ran back.  For sets 2, 4 and 6, we carried the coupon and walked.



Welcome FNG (Noodle).  Thanks to Spackle for visiting this AO and bringing the FNG.

Prayers to Deuce and our brothers at BRR.


Naked-Man Moleskin:

Braves game is set for the 18th.  Look for info from Snowman/Dumpster ref transport and payment.

Napalm will Q at multiple AOs the last week of Sep, before his deployment.  Details on a sendoff get-together (30th) to follow.  Please join and post, to celebrate and thank Napalm for his service.

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