Bo Knows Merkins

AO: Gladiator

When: 09/07/2023

QIC: Bo Knows

PAX (13): Chanel, Cheneral, Cousin Eddie, Darkside, Judy, Macbeth, Mater, Moonshine, Slider, Spandex, Speedo, Brownie


Mosey around the flag then all the way to the parking lot at entrance. At each speed bump we did anywhere between 2 or 5 burpees.

Warmed up to SSH, Willie Mays Hays and Arm circles (forward & backward).


The Thang:

Using parking lot lines we did variation of Merkins, diamonds, staggered L, Staggered R, and Wide on either end of the lot. Going to other end mode of transportation was Broad jumps then Lungs back each time. We completed series of 20 then 15 then 10. After each series, we did some recovery Rocky balboas.

Once finished we traveled back to a special wall for some additional appetizing upper body exercises with a partner. Partner 1 – Ball to the wall while Partner 2 does 20 mountain climbers. Rinse and repeat for Donkey kicks and bbsu with recovery calf raises and indian run.

Finished up by the flag doing Marys.


Prayers for Darkside’s dad health

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