7 of…Diamonds? but really it’s just a square….

AO: Firehouse

When: 09/19/2023

QIC: Sirmixalot

PAX (5): Better Call Saul, LifeLock VPN, Lightweight, Seaman, Sirmixalot


YHC took a couple of Q’s at the Firehouse this week. This is round 1. “The Original” – as the 7 of diamonds was the format of my very first Q.  The sequel is on Thursday which will be a repeat of this workout but with some added challenge thrown in for good measure.


Mosey, Disclaimer, SSH, Weed Picker, Sun Gods, and Imperial Walker

The Thang:

Went to the upper soccer field and laid out the plan. We would use half the field as a “diamond” but instead it was a square. But what is a diamond really but a square turned on it’s end. Also, the DeBeers corporation has convinced everyone that they are super rare and super valuable intrinsically – but that’s a story for another time. Don’t tell your M that diamonds aren’t valuable.

It went like this:

Round 1: 7 burpees at each corner – mosey between

Round 2: 14 merkins at each corner – mosey between

Round 3: 21 LBCs at each corner – mosey between

Round 4: 28 Air Squats at each corner – mosey between

Round 5: 21 Windshield Wipers at each corner – mosey between

Round 6: 14 Fire Hydrants (AC) at each corner – mosey between

Round 7: 7 Diamond Merkins at each corner – mosey between


Back to the flag for a round of Mary.

28 Calf raises – called by YHC

21 Rosalitas – called by Better Call Saul

Electric Bike – called by Seaman

American Hammers till time – called by Lifelock



Count and Name-o-rama, announcements and prayers and a pic. No coffee today everyone had to bug out quickly.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always an honor.

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