
AO: Galaxy

When: 09/21/2023

QIC: Blue

PAX (09): Blue, Fenway, McLovin (Amir Oren), Mitt, New Coke, Skol, Sparky, Spirit Fingers, Wideright


Mosey to stage. DiCCS issued.


General stretching during DiCCS.

The Thang:

Partner up.  100 Jump-ropes, Partner does balboas, then swap.

mosey to hill

icky shuffle up the hill, Partner does coupon work then swap

mosey to upper parking lot.

fight for every inch and tug of war, rotating opponents

mosey to lower front field.  Burpee quiz


Prayers for Jorts’ friend, who succumbed to her fourth bout of cancer, sand for Joyce

Naked-Man Moleskin:

grateful to have my Galaxy F3 brotherhood!

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