Iron PAX Week 4

AO: Halo

When: 2023-09-27

QIC: Fenway

PAX (8): Fenway, Fondue Guy, Mitt, Skol, Steamer, Tweaker, Woody, The Worm

The Thang:

WE AREN’T PROFESSIONALS Format For time workout Coupon is required Open field with cones set out at 10 yard increments up to 30 yards. Cone 0 at the starting line Cone 1 placed 10 yards away from the starting line Cone 2 placed 20 yards away from the starting line Cone 3 placed 30 yards away from the starting line Need timer for 5-minute EMOM timer Kraken Burpee – 3 hand release merkins into a burpee after the 3rd hand release merkin Perfect Merkin – hand release merkin with shoulder tap to each shoulder at top Scoring Total time to complete the workout The Thang Set EMOM timer for 5-minutes. Perform 3 Kraken burpees every time the timer goes off during the workout. Kraken Burpee is 3 hand release merkins and then a burpee. Perform the burpee after the 3rd hand release merkin. Round 1 Murder Bunny 10yds to 1st cone and perform 10 thrusters Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins Run back to block, Murder Bunny 10yds to the 2nd cone, and perform 15 thrusters Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins Run back to block, Murder Bunny 10yds to the 3rd cone, and perform 20 thrusters Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins Run back to block, Reverse Murder Bunny 10yds back to 2nd cone, and perform 15 thrusters Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins Run back to block, Reverse Murder Bunny 10yds back to 1st cone, and perform 10 thrusters Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins Run back to block, Reverse Murder Bunny 10yds to cone 0 (starting line) END OF ROUND 1 AND IMMEDIATELY BEGIN ROUND 2 Round 2 Murder Bunny 10yds to 1ST cone and perform 10 BDE Big Boys (WWIII Sit-ups) Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins Run back to block, Murder Bunny 10yds to 2nd cone, and perform 15 BDE Big Boys Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins Run back to block, Murder Bunny 10yds to 3rd cone, and perform 20 BDE Big Boys Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins Run back to block, Reverse Murder Bunny 10yds to 2nd cone, and perform 15 BDE Big Boys Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins Run back to block, Reverse Murder Bunny 10yds to 1st cone, and perform 10 BDE Big Boys Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins Run back to block, Reverse Murder Bunny 10yds to cone 0 (starting line) END OF ROUND 2 AND IMMEDIATELY BEGIN ROUND 3 Round 3 Murder Bunny 10yds to 1st cone and perform 10 Man-makers (Blockees) Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins Run back to block, Murder Bunny 10yds to 2nd cone, and perform 15 Man-makers Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins Run back to block, Murder Bunny 10yds to 3rd cone, and perform 20 Man-makers Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins Run back to block, Reverse Murder Bunny 10yds to 2nd cone, and perform 15 Man-makers Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins Run back to block, Reverse Murder Bunny 10yds to 1st cone, and perform 10 Man-makers Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins Run back to block, Reverse Murder Bunny 10yds to cone 0 (starting line) END OF WORKOUT

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