“the Storm”-y Daniels. Innocent until proven guilty

AO: The Storm

When: 2023-09-23

QIC: Swiper

PAX (11): Ace Ventura, Better Call Saul, Crab Cake, DDoS, Kokomo, Mantooth, Prius, Seaman, Snake, Swiper, Valley Girl


No Q for the Storm so VG and I agreed to roshambo for it.  Painful way to lose....



The Thang:

  • Mosey over to the business park - head up Shiloh Rd past Amazon to the new roundabout
  • left up the big hill to the new road
  • take the new road back to Halcyon
  • varied pace groups added as needed


  • Prayers for Napalm as he prepares to depart for deployment
  • Prayers for health concerns for some family members of PAX

Naked-Man Moleskin:

No better way to challenge your fitness level than to join in the running wave of F3 Cumming.  Opportunities are countless and there are events to support every distance from 2.5 mile pre-runs to 100 mile ultra-marathons.  If you're worried about keeping up, just come out and join us - we have numerous models in place to ensure that no one is left behind.  Aye!

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