October is for Burpees

AO: Starting Line

When: 2023-10-04

QIC: Script Kiddie

PAX (4): Aunt May, Jolt, Script Kiddie, toadstool


First Q in October, and with World Burpee Day coming up October 12th, it was time to start the month off right, so he plan was to include a "few" burpees. Got there a few minutes early and got everything ready to go, basically just put the speaker out and got it setup.  Jolt got there right at 5 so I finished setting up and it was time for the pre-ruck.  We had a good pace and some great conversation.  I have to be real and lately I lean to pre-rucks not just to get in a good weighted workout before the BD, but due to the conversations that can occur during a pre-ruck, and this morning did not disappoint, I enjoyed having conversations about work and the distractions that we can get caught up in. we made it back in time to meet up with Aunt May and start the BD.


A bit of a different Mosey but ended up behind the City hall for the warm up SSHs Copperhead squats Don Quixote Walkers Moroccan Night clubs Good mornings Time to explain the plan

The Thang:

Simple but not easy Start at the stop sign entering the park, do 1 Burpee Run the the first speed bump do 2 Burpee Back to the stop sign do 3 jump squats Run to the next speed bump do 3 Burpees Back to the stop sign do 3 jump squats About this time Toadstool rolled in, and it was great to have him there We kept going to each speed bumps and increasing the distance and # of Burpees by 1, all the way to the gate on the other side of the park, also at one point we upped the jump squats to 5 each time at the stop sign. Once we got to the other gate, which worked out to be 8 burpees, we started working our way back to the other gate so 7 then 6 then 5 burpees. At this point it was getting close to 615 so it was time to modify, we stopped at one of the speed bumps closer to the pavillion and did 10 more burpees, bringing the total number of burpees to 64, very nice Then back to the speed bump in front of the pavilion, and I had one more thang to end the fun. 10 jump squats and... Core had to be hit and Lightweight recently stated that it would not be an SK beatdown with some elaborate multi step exercise, so since both the need to hit (core and confusing exercise), the last exercise was the Bantha, it is a Hushpuppy creation (1 BBSU + 4 Crunchy frogs = 1 Bantha).  We did 10 With that done it was time to head to the pavilion, sadly no flag due to the fact our fearless leader, aka SirMixalot was out due to a headache, praying he feels better soon. And that ended the BD section of the Q


Prayer Requests For one of Aunt May's co-workers that unexpectedly passed, pray for the family and friends For Jolt,one of his friends is about to be a dad, and they need to step up and lead. Acceleration point Aunt May made a point to mention we need to be thankful for what we have and not assume we deserve something we did not earn. I add in that a ship sinks not because of a storm or what is going on around it, that does factor in but, what truly sinks a ship is when the water gets into the boat and causes it to go down, that is like us, storms will shake use/rock us and situations will cause problems, but it only starts to sink us when we let the water/problem get to us and overwhelm us. Ended in Prayer

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Aunt May and I had to quickly head out for the morning to help our 2.0s get ready and on their way to school. Toadstool and Jolt hung out for Java Another awesome morning in the gloom and so grateful I get to lead these HIM and have them speak into my life.

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