Escaping the rain

AO: Firehouse

When: 2023-11-21

QIC: Valley Girl

PAX (6): Baskins, Closets closets closets, Lightweight, Script Kiddie, Seaman


A foray up to Firehouse for the occasional beatdown


Mosey then WP, WMH, hillbillies, reverse lunges, sun gods

The Thang:

Rockpile. Dora 200 curls / 5 wheel of mercan 200 squats / 5 LL Cool J 200 OH Presses / 10 reverse LBCs pavilion for 11’s Ircans / step ups dercans / bench squats with pause wall sits with pressing hands outside and inside of knees / decline plank toe touches


Thanksgiving travelers Seaman’s wife santa ruck Christmas party at Baskins house  

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thank you again for letting me come up and lead

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