School of RUCK (With Rocks)

AO: School Of Rock

When: 01/24/2024

QIC: lumbergh

PAX (6): Deep dish, Dipstick, False Start, Jackalope, Townie


I attempted to Q at SOR in December and it was an unprepared and not terribly well executed beatdown. I knew I had to bring it this time and was ready with some changeups.

With the numbers we had, thankfully False Start had his ruck handy, so him and I started with rucks on our back.


A little side to side and butt kickers and high knees toward the ticket booth.

Then some weedpickers, imperial walkers, and arm circles to loosen up. I wasn’t about to do SSH in a ruck sack.

The Thang:

So pax were informed that every five minutes the rucks would be passed on to two others. It was important to plan through the board below so you weren’t suddenly stuck with Bonnie Blairs with a ruck sack on. We grabbed rocks from the nearby rock pile (also ensuring that School of Rock knows that exists if they ever tire of those cinders). Jackalope had something to prove with his rock choice but it mostly just humbled him.

The beatdown consisted of the following list. Every pax should hit 100 reps of each within the time.

  • Curls
  • Mercans
  • Squats
  • Skull Crushers
  • Overhead Presses
  • LBCs
  • Bonnie Blair (Single count)
  • SSH
  • American Hammers
  • Calf Raises

Pax were encouraged to break it up into 20-25 reps or so of each as long as you keep track of what you did and had left (This was not easy). False Start reportedly finished so I assigned him 20 more reps of each just in case he lost count along the way. This was accompanied by the official School of Rock playlist. I certainly silenced critics this morning but maybe that was just the extreme amount of counting that was required. F3 can be a mental exercise too you know!

With about 10 minutes left we returned rocks and headed to the stadium steps. Everyone would go up and down three times, and at least once you should be wearing a ruck.

Back to the flag for a little mary and we hit time.


Good chat on everything that drove us this morning. Encouragement to join Hillseeker.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure to lead and R.O.C.K. in the S.O.R

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