Seeing things clear now

AO: Big Creek

When: 2024-01-24

QIC: Mr. Hand

PAX (6): DirtyMO, Jiminy, Mr. Hand, Olaf, Snowman, Whiz


YHC shows up for the pre-run and I see who I think is former MLB 3rd baseman, ROY, and 3x all-star Chris Sabo....but even better is its the legend Snowman repping the Rec Spec gogs just like Sabo did during his 9 year career. With record low temps last week and a big turn out for an Avis BD(for the record, I was not present), YHC expected a big turn out this morning in the gloom but was surprised when we had 6 PAX.....but the 6 that showed up got what they came for, which was a good BD and great mumble chatter.


Mosey to the side parking lot going toward the track. SSH, Weed Pickers, Willie Mayes Hayes, Good Mornings. Mosey to the track.

The Thang:

Lots of moseying and sprints: Mosey half the straight part of the track(we will call it 50 yards...what is 50 meters anyway?), sprint the next half-mosey to the half point in the turn-deposit 5 burpees, repeat for the next half lap and again deposit 5 burpees again at the next turn. Repeat this decreasing one burpee each lap until complete. Mosey to the basketball courts- 4 corners for 4 exercises-squats, plank jacks, mountain climbers, Bonnie Blairs. Start at 15 reps and after completing each round of exercises drop 5 reps until we are done. Side shuffling baseline to baseline and mosey from sideline to sideline. Return to the flag for some mercans and planks.


Prayers for those with the injury bug and we need to reach out to those who have disappeared from the gloom.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure to lead fellas. Let us be grateful for our health and the ability to do what we do because there are many who cannot.

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