No Speaker … No Problem

AO: The Wreck

When: 2024-01-31

QIC: Donor

PAX (15): aflac, Blue, Gutterball, Juul, Matt Shields-Norm, Meltdown, Moonshine, Mountain Mama, rip, Scurvy, Sell-out, Switch, Yankee, @Chowda


The rain finally stopped but the original location for the workout was soaked.  Last minute location change was activated and Q set up near the playground.  Nice turnout and mumblechatter this morning.  Q celebrating his 3 year Wreck-a-Versary.  o530 hit ... lets mosey


Moseyed over to the playground area for warm-o-rama that consisted of SSH, Windmills, Plank Jacks, Shoulder Taps and Forward and Reverse Arm Circles.  Warm-o-rama complete.  Instructed PAX to grab a coupon and meet me back at the playground.

The Thang:

A Ladder Workout was in order for the day.  Each PAX will start  with 10 Merkins and then run to the top of the hill for 2 Burpees and return.  Round 2 is 10 Merkins and 20 Freddie Mercury's run to the top for 2 burpees and back.  Continue down the board.  You get the picture. Somewhere early in the workout it was apparent that music would really help.  QIC forgot the speaker.  No problem; we just have to listen a little more closely.  This helped with more chatter.
  • 10 Merkins
  • 20 Freddy Mercurys
  • 30 Overhead Press
  • 40 American Hammers
  • 50 Curls
  • 60 Squats with Coupons
  • 70 SSH
  • 80 J-Lo
  • 90 Apollo Ono
  • 100 LBC
Time called.  Return coupon and head back to the flag with a very short round of dying cockroaches.


Music trivia question answered.  Sons Gonna Rise - Citizen Cope released in 2004.  Over under was at 2003. Prayers for Moonshine who will be going a retreat, PAX from Galaxy whos wife is undergoing chemo and the family of a 2nd grade teacher from Roswell North.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Time flies when your having fun.  Today marked my 3 year anniversary with F3.  Thanks to the Wreckers I'm healthier, happier and have a new group of friends that hold me accountable.  My family thanks you.   Until next time!

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