Carmen’s Card Games
AO: The Bridge
When: 2024-04-19
QIC: Spackle
PAX (7): Dinghy, Fuzzy Dice, Gasleak, Hackeysack, Humperdinck, Maguire, Spackle
Pulled out a 54 card pick up on this pre-dawn, pre-rain, pre-weekend Friday. Stared the playlist with Kenny Rogers (Gambler), pull up the middle with Carmen’s (from South Park) rendition of Poker Face, and ended with a little ABBA. As Dingy said a full body workout with a full spectrum playlist.Warm-O-Rama:
- Mountain man poopers
- Tumble weeds
- Wind mills
- Michael Phelps
Mosey to the round about and then to the play ground for some cards.
The Thang:
54 Card Pick Up
- Diamonds = Hand Release Merkins
- Hearts = Cheater pull-ups
- Spades = Squat Jacks
- Clubs = Slow bikes
- A-6 @ 6 reps each
- 7-10 @ face value
- J=11
- Q=12
- K=13
- Joker = 14 Burpies
- When the final card was complete, a total of 108 reps per exercise (432 total) had been executed.
Back the the flag for 9 mins of 21s. Dips and step ups (single count)
- Smokey Mountain Relay next weekend
- convergence on May the Fourth dress as a starwars character.
- pray for Humperdinck’s M for healing. She still has a lot of pain and swelling from the sledding accident.
- pray for marriages and work.