Deck of Cards History Trivia Beatdown

AO: Rubicon

When: 06/13/2024

QIC: Lil Hurt

PAX (16): Avis, False Start, Feathers, Focker, HotSauce, MillerTime, No-See-Um, Pinkey, Red Ryder (the one that posts), Roman, Special K, uga, Tron, Missionary, Atari (2.0)


I laid down the trivia challenge the night before, and the Rubicon answered by showing up in big numbers.


  • SSHs
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Weed Pickers
  • Copper Head Squats
  • Arm Circles

The Thang:

Today’s History Trivia Beatdown at Rubicon AO was a special Father’s Day edition, featuring the questionable yet undeniably smooth tunes of a Yacht Rock playlist that only a dad could love. My 2.0, Atari, joined in the fun, adding some youthful energy to the mix. Our workout was driven by a deck of cards, with each suit dictating a specific exercise: – **Spades:** Squats – **Clubs:** Mountain Climbers – **Hearts:** Big Boy Sit-Ups – **Diamonds:** Merkans.  The Card values determined the reps, and aces were wild with a sprint to the stop sign and back (with Atari beating multiple PAX and earning a card reduction for that team). After every 3rd card, a history trivia question was posed to the team captains. Correct answers halved the burpees, while wrong answers doubled them. **The Action:** The PAX tackled the exercises with gusto, spurred on by both the workout and the trivia challenges. The competition between Team 1 (led by False Start) and Team 2 (led by Special K) was fierce. The trivia questions ranged from sports history to science and technology and world events, keeping everyone on their toes. False Start and Special K led their teams valiantly, but as the deck dwindled, the tension mounted. The final showdown came down to a rock-paper-scissors duel between the two captains. False Start emerged victorious, clinching the win for Team 1. **Special Mentions:** – Welcome to down rangers Tron and Missionary, who were in town from Florida for a special occasion. – Congratulations to Hot Sauce, who is tying the knot tomorrow! We all shared in his excitement and sent our best wishes. **Prizes:** – Team 1 (led by False Start) won Gatorades for their victory. – Team 2 (led by Special K) received juicy juice boxes as a consolation prize.


We gathered in a Circle of Trust to reflect and share prayer requests: – For Special K’s daughter, who needs our prayers for strength and healing. – For No See Um’s friend, who is facing serious health problems. – For No See Um’s upcoming mission trip to Nicaragua, wishing him safety and success. – Congratulations and blessings for Hot Sauce on his upcoming marriage. **Prayer:** “Father, we gather in gratitude for the strength and unity of our F3 brotherhood. On this Father’s Day weekend, we honor all the fathers among us and the pivotal roles they play. We lift up Special K’s daughter and No See Um’s friend, asking for Your healing and comfort. Bless No See Um’s mission trip to Nicaragua, and may it be impactful and safe. Finally, we ask for Your blessings on Hot Sauce as he embarks on his new journey in marriage. Guide us to be better fathers, friends, and men. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.”

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Today’s TNT was “Remembering the 6,” with Pinkey sharing his F3 story, reminding us all of the power of community and support. **Announcements:** – Upcoming events: Rubicon is hosting a No Longer Bound Beatdown and breakfast next Saturday, June 22nd @ 7am. – **Final Thoughts:** Despite the Yacht Rock playlist, today’s beatdown was a testament to our strength, camaraderie, and the joy of fatherhood. We pushed our limits, supported one another, and shared in each other’s successes and challenges. Stay strong, stay united, and continue to make a difference. **Lil Hurt*QIC**

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