Driving Through 55

AO: The Wreck

When: 2024-06-20

QIC: aflac

PAX (20): Blue, Bobber, Bunyan, Chowdah, Circus, Cliff - Chris Noto, corky, Dark_Side, Fourfiddy, Lincoln, Matt Shields-Norm, Meltdown, Missionary, Miyagi, Mountain Mama, Paul Magnuson (calamari), Rooney- timlonergan, Squatty, The Fifth


Easy mosey up the main road to the first parking lot for the following warm-ups:
  • Abe Vigodas
  • Hillbillys
  • Mercans
  • Toy Soldiers

The Thang:

Q led PAX toward the playground to fetch a lifting coupon, then head to the bottom of the grass hill where instructions were given.  PAX would perform the following routine of exercises:
  • 55 Rows w/coupon at the bottom of the grass hill
  • Carry coupon up the grass hill backwards
  • 55 Curls at the top of the grass hill.
  • Leave coupon, then run next (paved)hill to the gymnastics entrance.
  • Perform 7 Burpees, then back down to the top of the grass hill.
  • 55 Thrusters w/coupon (this was dumb).
  • Carry coupon to the bottom of the grass hill.
Rinse/repeat all of the above for time, subtracting 5 reps each round on every exercise except Burpees.  A whole lotta modification going on with Thrusters, which accumulated upwards of 255 reps if YHC's math is correct. With T-5 on the clock, return coupons to the pile and back to the flag for a round of Supermans and American Hammers (until Norm quit or time was called).


  • TAP's for Mountain Momma's family members dealing with health issues.
  • Be aware/mindful of PAX around us that may be scuffling along with life issues.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Another trip around the sun and so appreciative of the opportunity to celebrate with these PAX and join them in pain and suffering.  I often chat with buddies back home, and they have nothing remotely close to what we have here.  Don't take life for granted and take a moment every day to be present and appreciate what you have around you.  Life is not about the material things – it's about social relationships and good health, and it's such a gift when you can put both of those together at the same time.

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