The right path

AO: The Wreck

When: 2024-08-28

QIC: Rooney- timlonergan

PAX (21): Rooney- timlonergan, Mountain mama, the fifth, norm, Aflac, sellout, miyagi, squeegee, sleeper, moonshine, dangle, sic em, catheter, blue, rip, tubbs, meltdown, bobber, borat, squatty, … gasman was noticeably absent


Norm asked for a switch.  So I switched with him.  Come to think of it, I didn’t see switch out there this morning… Anyway, not much notice for the Q, but I had a few things in mind… and as usual, seemed like a good opportunity to stabilize.


Side straddle hops, Michael Phelps, arm circles to work out some of the soreness from Monday’s return of the monkey.  Posterior chain and obliques were requested from the crowd…as a result, Unilateral RDLs was provided as part of the warm up

The Thang:

After we high kneed/heeled, low shuffled, and lunged to the rocks, we did various items at the playground. counting down from ten, we did pull-ups, swing rows, unilateral heel raises and single leg squats.  Oh and some planks with leg lifts, hip lifts, and prone birddogs were endured. rocks were used for curls, shoulder press/skull crushers, rows while the partner did some swing pull merkins— eerily similar to the mike tyson palooza from Monday.  Head back to the flag for American hammers, jalapeño bridges (because they have a kick), and finish with some jump squats.


Quiet group this morning

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I mentioned psalm 23 that my Bible study at Home church Roswell is doing right now. all of us men are clearly in a flock of sheep.  The question is what are you using as your shepherd?  If it is you, that may not be a very good idea.  We need to humbly listen to counsel, teachings, and be guided by a Good Shepherd.  And if we take that right path, you are good to go—  the prosperity in store and glory is better than you could ever imagine for eternity.  just something to process and reflect on for the day. grateful for you guys pushing me to get out of bed and do something healthy and challenge myself physically.  Be sure to challenge yourself mentally emotionally spiritually with figuring that out — not who you say your shepherd is… but rather who it actually is.  Is it you, music you listen to, your boss, something that doesn’t care about you, a mentor, Jesus… , … , ? hope you guys have an awesome day!

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