The Trifecta- Captain Dan Webb

AO: Rubicon

When: 2024-09-17

QIC: FannyPack

PAX (5): FannyPack, Focker, Lil Hurt, Shazam, Trebek


YHC gave a short disclaimer for the veteran PAX.


Mosey'd to the FOD, did a full lap, and found the darkest corner for the best view of the stars and moon.  We circled up for SSH, weed pickers, windmills, twisters (my name for rotating hips left, hold for 10 seconds, then right & hold for 10 while feet are spread), arm circles, and moroccan night clubs.

The Thang:

This morning's main event is what I'm calling "The Trifecta".  Jack Webb, Captain Thor, and Lt. Dan.  After each round do a lap of the FOD- sprint, mosey, sprint, mosey, back to the starting point. Each of the three is done in ascending count, 1:4 ratio, so 1:4, 2:8, 3:12...10:40. Jack Webb: Mercans and Air Presses Captian Thor: BBSU and AC American Hammers Lt. Dan: Squats and Lunges   Mosey back to the flag.   We got a little off track when Shazam wouldn't stop praising my playlist.  Otherwise finished right on time.


Prayers for PAX traveling, on the job search, and recovering from injuries.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Beautiful morning, great work by all, always a pleasure to lead.

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