Badapple inspiration

AO: The Wreck

When: 2024-10-23

QIC: Meltdown

PAX (20): aflac, Backside, Bear, Blackout, Blue, Bobber, Choo Choo, Dangle, Matt Shields-Norm, Missionary, Moonshine, rip, Skyline, Sleeper, Squatty (Scott Quesnel), Switch, Tubbs, Ruth, nutmeg


Having remembered a Q from sprocket at badapple, YHC felt inspired to borrow and take some creative liberties to make it different. Borrowing a good BD Q is always encouraged. YHC asked the Wreck channel for some music inspiration, first person to name a band would win. And said band would be played for 45 minutes, but the winner would have to show. I underestimated Aflac’s speed on slack, but he chose Rush.


Mosey to the playground for some SSH, weedpickers, mountain climbers, imperial walkers, and Michael phelps

The Thang:

100 burpees. But after every 10 reps, perform the following: 5 swerkins 5 pullups 10 dips run to the top of the hill 5 swing pullups 5 donkey kicks somewhere in the middle Blue admitted his deep seeded fear that Rush did not have 45 minutes of music, but Spotify found enough out on the interwebs a few got through all of them before time. Then we moseyed up the hill and back to the flag for some scissors.


Prayers for those recovering from the storms, for father son retreat, and upcoming holidays.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always enjoy leading this group and the mumblechatter in the gloom   meltdown

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