AO: Windjammer

When: 2024-10-25

QIC: Feathers

PAX (7): Cox, Milli Vanilli, NRA, Townie, uga, Diva


I hadn't been to the Country Club in several weeks, and was excited to see that I had signed up to Q some time ago.


Mosey to the flag for the usual stuff - SSH, Weedpickers, etc.  Mosey back to the parking lot.

The Thang:

ALARMS: consecutive sets designed to hit Arms, Legs, Abs, Run, and Merkins in quick succession without rest.
  • Round 1: 50 Reps each
    • Coupon Curls, Squats, LBCs, Run (up hill to utility box, 1/2 mile round trip), Merkins
  • Round 2: 40 Reps
    • Coupon Press, Lunge (single leg), Curnchy Frogs, Run (to last light before utility box), Wide Merkins
  • Round 3: 30 reps
    • Skull Crushers, Jump Squats, Big Boys, Run (shortened by 1 light pole), Ranger Merkins
  • Round 4: 20 Reps
    • Shoulder Taps (alpha), Bonnie Blairs (alpha), WWII Sit ups, Run (to first light pole, about 1/4 mile round trip), Hand Release Merkins
  • Round 5: (Not performed, ran out of time) 10 Reps
    • Annies, Coupon Squats, Heals to Heaven, Short run, Herpees (Hand release burpees)


Lots of stuff going on this weekend - NLB Breakfast, CSAUP at Nirvana.  Prayers and thanks.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Playlist from my Brothers in Arms BD at the Bound was used.  Townie impressively cracked the theme early in the BD.  If you want the playlist, read my BB from 10/23.

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