DONATE (A kidneyversary story)

AO: Gladiator

When: 2025-01-09

QIC: Brownie

PAX (16): Busboy, Chanel, Cheneral, Dark Side, DREAMER, Dutch Oven, Fire Drill, Floater, Laces, RaspberryPi, Scratch-Off, Shrimp, Speedo, Tar Heel, Yokel


Per tradition for the past 4 years, I've celebrated the anniversary of donating "lefty the kidney" by snagging the Q at Gladiator. This is year 6 since being part of one of the coolest experiences of my life and I've done my best to use this opportunity as a way to educate and promote living donation. Today's theme was DONATE and you'll see how this played out in the Q in a bit. No newbies showing up on this mid-20 degree AM, so just a word about the theme of the day and off we went.


Short mosey towards the narrow hill past the tennis courts before stopping in the gloom for some warm up exercises:
  • SSHs
  • Hillbillies
  • Weedpickers
  • Windmills
  • Michael Phelps and Monkey arms

The Thang:

106K people are on the national registry in need of an organ transplant of any type; 92K of those need a kidney by far the most common. Each of today's exercises would be partner exercises with a heavy focus on core and the rep count would be 106 with each partner having to do an equal amount (53 apiece). Switching partners after each round for a new pairing.
  • Dancing bears (demo'd 3 different variations of differing difficulty) while the other partner ran a lap around the tennis court (Alpha count)
  • Overhead press with a coupon from the rock pile at the zebra crossing; partner runs up the hill to the 2nd light post
  • Ndiayes after transitioning to the picnic shelter while the other partner runs to the top of the parking lot
  • American Hammers (Alpha count) with the same run path
  • Tysons on the curb near the main soccer pitch while the partner ran the loop around the small parking lot across the road
  • Elevens hybrid after moving to the soccer pitch on the baseline; partner 1 starts with 9 merkins and 2 Big Bois while other partner runs to top of box to do 2 merkins and 9 Big Bois; when partner one finishes, they run to relieve partner 2 and they run to baseline; continue this for 6 rounds
Timing was demur allowing the PAX to head back to the flag with no need for any merry


  • Encouraged PAX to consider being an organ donor, considering living donation, or even giving blood (Alpha blood drive on Sunday - sign up in whatever the Slack thing is that people are always talking about)
  • Blood drive - sign up so they don't cancel it
  • BusBoy is an uncle, but one of his new nieces needs some heart surgery in the next week

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Appreciate the opportunity to lead and get the year started off right with a tough workout with a strong message. Brownie OUT!

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