The 340

AO: Badapple

When: 2025-01-10

QIC: Sprocket

PAX (13): Buckshot, Chalupa, goat, PushBack, Red Ryder (the one that posts), Rusty, Shortcake, Sweep3r, Tank, The_OG Zima, The_Real Chubbs, Turbine


"warm" January morning (above freezing) made for some field work.  A simple workout plan and a coupon were all that were necessary.


high plank, shouler taps, plank jacks, mtn climbers, ssh's IC 15 reps each.  pickup coupons and head to LAX field

The Thang:

two lights setup on field.  PAX were instructed to line up shoulder-to-shoulder at one light.  The workout was to be in the As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) format consisting of (4) movements back and forth on a 40 yard lane marked by lights and (1) 300 yard lap around the perimeter of the LAX field:
  1. Bear crawl with coupon drag
  2. Asymmetric farmer carry (switching hands allowed)
  3. lunge with coupon (any style carry of coupon allowed)
  4. Bear crawl with coupon drag
Run lap.


lots of family members, friends and neighbors facing health challenges.  We lifted them up and were reminded to encourage each other, be ready to listen and lead in the best way we know how.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a privilege to lead the men of Bad Apple AO.  Sprocket out.

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