80s Training Montage
AO: The Wreck
When: 2025-03-07
QIC: Blackout
PAX (17): Bear, Blue, Bobber, Coxswain, Donor, Echo, Juul, Matt Shields-Norm, Meltdown, Moonshine, rip, Rooney- timlonergan, Sell-out, Skyline, Spray, Squatty (Scott Quesnel)
Nothing amps me up like a good 80s montage. V Q for me to the sweet sultry sounds of your favorite 80s movies.Warm-O-Rama:
Mosey to the Football Field Parking Lot 15 Side Straddle Hop 15 Weedpickers 15 Hillbillies 15 Mercans Worlds Greatest StretchThe Thang:
25 min AMRAP Partner A:- Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with coupon
- Weighted Run around football field
- 5 Burpees over coupon
- 10 Front Squats with coupon
- 15 KB swings