It’s My Birthday!
AO: Gladiator
When: 2025-03-06
PAX (11): Busboy, Chanel, Cheneral, Fire Drill, Hitchcock, Laces, Macbeth, Scratch-Off, Spandex, Stroller
Quick mosey, did some stretching, had some laughsThe Thang:
Parking lot fun! Q encouraged everyone to do some line fun! Burpees and broad jumps across the parking lot. Q had the group line up for some line time fun with burpees, merkins, and monkey humpers. Q called for a mosey to the main wall for some partner balls to the wall + air chairs and some running mixed in. Q took the group to the splash pad for some dips, derkins, and hill runs. Q took the group to the secondary lot for some burpees, jump squats, and merkins + sprints, shuffles, and bernie running.COT:
- Family in need of prayer
- Cheneral's wife's hand surgery
- Lace's new son Luke!
- Feather's surgery