The Hooch lucked out Wednesday morning with dry weather, although the field still remembered the rain from the evening before as we “BLIMPED” our way across.
Circuit One:
BLIMPS (5 burpees, 10 lunges each leg, 15 imperial walkers with a step, 20 alligator merkins, 25 plank jacks, 30 squat jumps and what do you know, we’re on the other side of the field now
Circuit Two:
11’s starting with 1 buzzsaw at the top of the hill and 10 v-ups at the bottom with a Bernie Sanders run back to the top.
Circuit Three:
Modified Burpee Mile. 12 burpees then one lap around the parking lot 4x.
mosey back to the flag and a quick round of Mary for the last 3 minutes.
And then…the rain began to fall, and it is still falling. Piggy, out.