X Marks the Spot

AO: The Gladiator

When: 05/04/2019

QIC: Stroller (@f3_stroller)

PAX (4): Kegger, Skid, Spandex, Stroller


YHC has been signed up for 2 Saturday Gladiator Q’s, and both times the Gladiator closed for other Alpha events.  So despite rolling in after 11pm last night, I wasn’t letting go of this Q.  However, I wisely called off the pre-run.  I pulled up to the Gladiator to find Spandex already there- but where was Tidy? Fortunately we had HCs from Kegger and Skid so we knew it would not just be us 2.  Kegger and Skid arrived, and with no other PAX in sight we took off at 7:00.


Mosey to the upper upper parking lot and circle up:

  • SSH x 20
  • Weedpicker x 12
  • Imperial Walker x 15

Then it was time to roll out one of the most entertaining F3 routines- Rock, Paper, Scissors.  Partner up, play Rock, Paper, Scissors, and the winner does one merkin, loser does one burpee.  Increase rep count through 10 rounds.  YHC and Kegger dominated poor Skid and Spandex.  I think both of them had at least the last 3 sets of burpees (8, 9, 10)!

Almost time to get to the main event, but couldn’t resist a stop at the pull-up station for 10 pull-ups.

The Thang:

Mosey to the center circle of our usual field.  For today’s routine, PAX will run to a corner, perform the designated exercise, run back to center, perform the designated center exercise, then to the next corner, back to center, etc. until all 4 corners had been visited.  First round was a modified Mucho Chesto, with regular Merkins in the center, and the 4 corners being Diamond/Stagger one side/Stagger opposite side/Wide.  10 reps of each.  This left us at 80 reps when complete, so the PAX did 5 of each Merkin variation to round out the 100.

Continue with the same pattern.  Round 2 was legs (20 reps each): Squats at center, Star Jumps, One-Legged Squats, and Monkey Humpers at the corners.  YHC learned today that the PAX love Monkey Humpers in the daylight even more than in the gloom.  Round 3 was core (30 reps each): LBCs at center, Dying Cockroach, Gas Pumper, Buzzsaw, American Hammers at the corners.

After looking at the Strava map for this BD, I’m calling this routine X marks the spot (a giant X across the field).

Next stop, the coupon pile. Perhaps aware of the coupon swap to come, Spandex selected a particularly giant rock. Skid went with a powdered donut, so between the two of them we had conversation covered for the exercise.  Perform 2 curls, 2 tricep extensions, pass coupon.  Then 4, 6, 8, etc.  With only 4 PAX, we saw our original coupons quite often- not quite as fun as a Wreck BD where you kiss it goodbye after the first round.  We got up to 18 reps and then headed back to the flag.

Start off with a Ring of Fire. PAX hold plank while one PAX performs 5 Merkins.  Go around the circle with each PAX doing 5.  We ended up going around the circle 3 times.  The PAX already knew our closing act and were ready to get to it, but Spandex indulged me for some Dying Cockroaches before we hit our burpees.

F3 Waynesville threw this tribute out in memory of Riley Howell.  For those who don’t know, Riley died in the UNC Charlotte shooting last week as he rushed and tackled the gunman.  He saved many lives!  What an amazing story.  He was 21, so the tribute was 21 burpees.  I always love taking part when the entire F3 Nation rallies for someone, and this was no different.

We finished up right at 8:00.


Plans to enjoy the day with our families. Supporting Spandex as he tackles important conversations.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

My cup was filled up this morning!  Thankful as always to get after it with this group.  I spent the day energized (and sore).

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