Dora Cluster with Coupons – Vegas Style
AO: The Gladiator
When: 01/16/2020
QIC: Speedo
PAX (16): Mailbox, Viking, Tebow, Laces, DefCon2, Postal, Moonshine, Brownie, Borat (FNG), Kegger, Scratchoff, Strikeout, Cheneral, Stroller, Daddy Daycare
Thankful for the great timing of the rain moving out just before we gathered, we grabbed the coupon cinders from Kegger’s truck and moseyed to the soccer field with Viking playing a mix that started with an ode to Mexican food. Dropped the coupon on the end line then moseyed around the field with a variety of side to sides, Bernie Sanders, high knees and butt kickers (or I may have forgotten to call this one). To the center circle where we completed 17 SSH IC and then I introduced the Mountain Man Pooper. This one is SUPPOSED to go like this:
Step 1: From a standing position, bend over to touch toes. Step 2: Squat low, put arms straight out front. Step 3: Back to touching toes position from Step 1. Step 4: Stand Up with a single clap.
A number of variations were executed (including half a dozen by YHC) and several scatological noises and references were added by the PAX to get us to 15 total.
The Thang:
Someone had conveniently left a pair of exercise dice in the center circle of the field. One die had rep counts on each face (from 5 to 20) and the other had exercises including merkins, burpees, squats, LBCs, lap around the field (ignoring rep count), and Dealer’s Choice. We circled up and each PAX rolled the dice. Dealer’s choice was rolled at least 5 times, with lap and LBCs a close second. At least one PAX literally blew on the dice before he threw them.
Moseyed over to our coupons and partnered up for what I informally called a Dora Cluster with coupons. It was a mashup of several Dora exercises in the F3 database. Here’s how it went:
- P1 does curls while P2 runs to end of field and back then switch until count = 150
- P1 does rows while P2 bear crawls to end of goal box and runs back until count = 300
- P1 does 10 Hodors while P2 planks, switch until count = 100
According to the F3 database, Hodors were inspired by Hodor of Game of Thrones (which YHC has watched a total of once) and his only purpose in life to carry a crippled boy. With a cinder block held in front of you, squat until the block touches the ground, stand, rotate the block over your head to a triceps extension, squat, stand, rotate the block back in front. That’s 1.
YHC attempted to demonstrate this exercise before DoraCluster began without the benefit of ever having seen it done so my apologies to Hodor if it was not technically correct. It was physically challenging for YHC as arms are a bit shaky as I type this out. Coincidentally, the music mix played Darius Rucker’s ‘For the First Time’ which includes the line “When was the last time you did something for the first time?”. Pretty sure most of us can say that was this morning with the Hodor.
Mosey to the flag for brief Mary including Buzz saw and a variety of Merkins.
We welcomed FNG Vlad who quickly earned the name Borat.
Prayers lifted up for Scratchoff SIL, Spandex sister, DC2 daughter, along with all those requests we have a hard time sharing, articulating and/or even understanding. YHC knows from experience it’s tough as a man to be vulnerable and it’s often almost impossible to share what is REALLY going on in your life. I pray that this group (The Gladiator) is or will become a safe place for each of you to share openly knowing it will be kept within the group and that other guys are actually praying for you.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
It sounds cliche but life is a journey that we should not go on alone. Ecclesiastes 4:12 (written by Solomon who many claim as the wisest man who ever lived besides Jesus) says “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” We are stronger as men when we are together, sharing life and getting stronger. Thank you each for helping me get stronger and for sharing your morning with me.