Higher Maths
AO: The Gladiator
When: 10/13/2020
QIC: Speedo
PAX (13): Brownie, Stroller, Shiner, DC2, Spandex, Bo Knows, Raspberry Pi, Shrinkage, Tebow, Delicious, Zohan, Hitch
When I signed up for the Q I had no idea that the Braves would be playing in the NLCS the night before (no one did really). I had only modest expectations about the turnout but was pumped when 13 Gladiators showed up for some pre-dawn fun. It helped that the Braves thumped the Dodgers!
After a disclaimer, we moseyed to the parking lot on the other side of the rec center for:
- SSH x10
- Weed Pickers x10
- Windmills x10
- Copperhead Squats x10
Counted off 1-2-1-2 and then moseyed to the parking lot between the tennis courts and the playground
The Thang:
First thang:
1’s stayed in the parking lot and did 5 big bois while 2’s ran down to the pavilion and did 5 step-ups. 1’s then ran clockwise on the path down to the pavilion where they did 5 step-ups while 2’s ran up the stairs and did their big bois. We added 5 to our rep count each time up to 20 of each exercise and then came back down the ladder substituting dips for step-ups. Planked for the six then mosey back to the flag where our cinders were patiently waiting.
Second thang (this one required the higher math referenced in the title):
Partner up. P1 does curls while P2 does monkey humpers. The first one to stop causes switch. The goal is to get to 150 of each exercise between the partners and partners may need to switch to all of one exercise to get them done. Run a lap when done then plank for the six.
Next round P1 does rows while P2 does squats (with coupon) with the same 150 rep count goal – run a lap when done then air chair for the six
Next round P1 does thrusters (with coupon) while P2 does star jumps, this time only 75 of each. Run a lap when done then pick up 6 to finish as a group.
Last thang:
Circle Merk – with the cinder in front of us, each Pax called out a type of merkin and then led the group in a 5-count. The only rule was the next guy could not repeat the previous merkin type. We started with diamonds on the cinder followed by an assortment of regular, hand release, staggered (one arm on cinder, one on the ground), derkins, dry docks, and a Tebow Special, Carolina Wine Mixers (always a crowd confuser since it seems like a seven or eleven count exercise). QIC finished us out with 5 diamonds as time was called.
Praise for Shiner’s blood work showing awesome progress on cholesterol, etc. Hint…buy Cheerios stock.
PAX were reminded how much M’s appreciate us getting our physicals and taking care of our bodies.
Prayers for all the kids going back to school full time starting this week. We also prayed for the teachers, staff, bus drivers, parents, and caregivers as well.
Reminder about Convergence at Wills Park on Saturday at 0630. Pre-rucks at 0530 and 0600 (early group will pick up later group en route). Pre-runs discussed for 0600 start. Here is a link to where we post for this one: https://goo.gl/maps/dQ62nNacV1SLhU7n6. Stay for coffee and donuts after and meet PAX from other AOs.
The next Thundermeat event is the following Saturday (10/24) in downtown Roswell. Check Slack for location, time, and race options available.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thanks for taking my lead this morning. I value this group more than I can say.
-Speedo out