I Love a Parade

There was some sort of fake threat of black ice last night. I’m still trying to figure out how we have to worry about black…

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Got to keep moving

Admittedly, I didn’t want to be outside this morning. Just looking at the weather forecast caused to me want to crawl under the covers. So…

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Who Me?

Showed up thinking Ace Ventura was going to be giving his VQ to us but instead I was reminded that it was my Q. Well,…

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Punch Your Ticket

This year President’s Day immediately followed Valentine’s Day. I hope many PAX were M-Sacking as only 5 of us rolled out of bed to accelerate…

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Beating Bowser

The numbers aligned as this was 42 days since YHC’s first post.  It was a misty 42 degrees and YHC is 42 years old.  And…

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