Randy’s Back
AO: The Academy
When: 06/22/2021
PAX (6): NoSeeum, Cookie, Sleepless, Stiff Arm, Hasselhoff, Turbine
YHC jumped in as a poor substitute to our scheduled Q – A Wrastler by the name of Nacho Libre who hurt his foot and couldn’t suit up this morning.
HA! Good one. This is The Academy. do that on your own time.
The Thang:
A lap around the big lot took us to the Track where we had 4 men start a Cooper. 10 Burpees, 10 Mercans, 10 Big Boys, Lap and then 9 of each, etc. etc. On the start of number 7 Hasselhoff found us. About that time the sky lit up and yelled loud. We got the message and audibled for the parking garage. However it was bad fortune or god’s will that Cookie would turn his ankle on the way.
In the Garage, we continued our Cooper restarting round 7 and using the length of the garage as our lap. We worked our way down to 1 and Sleepless joined us at this time after driving around all morning.
Next evolution was 3 exercises with 8 reps each. Low lateral bear crawl, another one I don’t know the name of and star jumps. Rinse and Repeat and about this time Turbine joined us in his very Randy-esque red white and blue skippys. Glad there were no children around for this visual. He’s back people!!
Next we partnered up and did a bear crawl / run partner combo working our way down to the bottom of the garage. At the bottom we did a new evolution of 3 exercises with 8 reps each (Body builders, Bicycles and Star jumps).
Next we did alternating sprint job cycles to the top of the parking garage.
Finally we did a partner crabwalk / run alternation down to the bottom and it was time.
Cookie had already advanced back to the AO. Upon our arrival, realizing he was being tested by the big man upstairs and being an honest man, he confessed that the flag had fallen on the ground. We paid our 13 burpee Toll and closed the day.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Our friend Sleepless thought we were being especially intense and a little cruel to him for the time he was with us this morning. It was after the fact that he realized he wasn’t with Rubicon men but had found his way into the High Intensity Academy beatdown. All good though because he knew it was needed after he had a very comfortable couple weeks after his nuptials and too many umbrella drinks in Aruba.
Great to lead this group today.