Mogadishu Mile
AO: Windjammer
When: 10/06/2021
QIC: Ha-ha
PAX (12): Cookie, Cox, Dr. Rico, False Start, Funyun, Ha-ha, Morphine, NRA, Townie, Walkie Talkie - Brian K. Henson, Silver Bullet, Tommyboy (DR)
Another opprotunity to lead popped up yesterday so YHC decided to work out a non-scooter but low mosey workout for the PAX of the ‘Jammer. And then I saw GORUCK’s Mogodishu Mile post and the plan was set.
As we were waiting for 0530 to roll around we had a DR APX from Huntsville join us. Welcome Tommyboy.
I gave everyone the “opprotunity” to pick up a girlfriend for the Mogadishu Mile, gave a disclaimer and an introduction to the Modadishu hero WOD and….
Dr. Rico is here so we are ready!
We shuffled off with the girlfriends filling in as our “battle buddies” to the dam and the flag pole for our warmups:
- Weed Pickers
- Imperial Walkers
The Thang:
The Mogadishu Mile
The Mogadishu hero WOD honors the 19 fallen US soldiers who were killed in the battle.
4 Rounds for Time:
- 19 Girlfriend Ground-to-Overheads (37 lb)
- 19 Girlfriend Front Squats (37 lb)
- 19 Girlfriend Merkins (each hand)
- 400 meter Girlfriend Run
Perform the prescribed work in the order written for 4 rounds. Your Kettlebell is your “Ranger Buddy.” You cannot lose physical contact with it at any time. You may rest it on your body, or set it on the ground with one hand touching it, but do not let it go completely. If you DO let your Kettlebell go, you forfeit the progress of that round, and you must start the round over.
We started at the Flag on the dam. 400M up the hill to Lake Windward Landing. Stop for round one. 400M up to just before Long Creek Pointe for round 2. 400M up to Clubhouse Drive for round 3. All the way back down to the boat ramp for round 4.
Indian ruck back to the flag with the tail end running to the head while everyone else rucked at a quick pace.
Convergence 10/23 at Widowmaker
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Great to have Tommyboy visit us from Huntsville.
Great to do hard things with these men. Love to have something accomplished before most people get up!