Crewcuts & Pigtails (in honor of our FNG)

AO: The Wreck

When: 03/11/2022

QIC: Bieber

PAX (16): aflac, Backside, Bieber, Blue, Boomstick, Cliff - Chris Noto, Juul, Matt Shields-Norm, Meltdown, Moonshine, rip, Rooney- timlonergan, Sell-out, Squeegee, Yankee, Pigtails (FNG)


Since my Q on Wednesday was canceled, albeit a late cancelation, because of lightning, I decided I better make up for it and take the empty Q spot today to avoid more backward cinder exercises.


12 SSH

12 Imperial Walkers

12 Weed Pickers

12 Arm Circles (Forward & Backward)

The Thang:

The first Thang was the Merkin Mile. The PAX assembled at the bottom of the stairs by the pond where they did 12 merkins, then ran a 1/4 mile lap around the pond.  This was done 4 times until the prescribed mile was complete.

After the Mile was run, we moseyed to the football field parking lot, partnered up, grabbed a shared coupon and then met at the concession building.  Partner 1 performed wall exercises while partner 2 did AMRAP of a non-wall exercise.  The exercises were as follows:

Partner 1                                              Partner 2

1. Wall Sit with arm curls ——-> Fire Hydrants

2. Wall Crushers —————–> Romanian Deadlifts (with coupon)

3. Wall Merkins ——————> Sumo Squats (with coupon)

4. Wall Mountain Climbers —-> LBCs

After a couple rounds of the wall mountain climbers YHC realized time was running out, so we returned the coupons and headed back to the flag.



Prayers to Bill Doherty in his cancer battle!

Keep an eye out for more sub-regional organizational info from Goat, Juul and Meltdown

Naked-Man Moleskin:

You guys are the best!

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