Beatdown Sandwich
AO: Starting Line
When: 04/02/2022
QIC: Sirmixalot
PAX (5): Janeway, Script Kiddie, Sirmixalot, Suarez, Rocket
Who doesn’t enjoy a nice juicy roast beef sandwich? Something about that tender, medium rare sliced beef topped with some mayo, spicy mustard, lettuce, swiss cheese (and for those in the know oil and vinegar and oregano) Supported and covered by two delicious slices of toasted rye or pumpernickel or even some high quality wheat bread. I mean that is just delicious am I right? I know my mouth is watering just writing about it. Almost as much as it does when I think about liver and fava beans and an nice chianti…wait, no. Not that.
This workout is absolutely just nothing like that. With the exception that this was a beatdown sandwiched between two 15-ish minute runs. Which, if YHC is being truly honest isn’t tasty or juicy or mouthwatering at all. But you just leave the metaphors to me, because if there is one thing I am good at it’s twisting analogies to fit a theme. Maybe I am not even good at that but I do enjoy it and hopefully getting at least a cursory chuckle or grin out of you, dear reader.
YHC submits humbly this beatdown recipe that might not leave your mouth watering but you’ll certainly stimulate the sweat glands.
Short mosey to up the stairs to the back side of the middle school for a warm up of
SSH, Weed Picker, Willy Mays Hayes, Morrocan Night club, Michael Phelps
I was surprised how winded I was throughout the workout today. My Vo2 level must have been out of whack. Still pushed on through.
The Thang:
Thang 1:
Run around the front of the shopping center and around the outside edge of the park and ultimately back to the main beatdown area by the round track.
Thang 2:
For 30 minutes as many rounds as possible :
25 Squats
25 Merkins
12 Alpha Count lunges
Wall sit 45 seconds (approximately – looking at you Script Kiddie)
50 SSH
25 LBC
Plank 45 seconds (Now improved with extra seconds!!)
Then a small lap – Repeat the above circuit for 30 minutes
Thang 3 – Finished with another long mosey around behind the fire station and the library and back down the steps to the track.
It was at this point we witnessed the 2.0 FNG of Janeway (later aptly named Rocket) chase down Script Kiddie from all the way around the big circle. The kid is fast.
Finished with some mary
Suarez called windshield wipers, Script Kiddie called something I don’t remember at the moment…and Janeway called burpees. and then it was time.
Count a rama, name a rama, naming of the FNG – Welcome Rocket!
During coffeteria – Script Kiddie shared a quote from CS Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia. I don’t recall exactly what the quote was but it was helpful and encouraging.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Always an honor to lead an F3 workout.