Return From Spring Break
AO: Badapple
When: 04/11/2022
QIC: Ollie
PAX (4): goat, Ollie, Rusty, The_OG Zima
Pitching in for TheBurn, who was representing Bad Apple at the ReadyMix memorial convergence.
- 10x Weed Pickers
- 10x Toy Soldiers
- 10x Copperhead Squats
The Thang:
Tabata style workout – 10 exercises per round, 4 rounds, 53 seconds on, 7 seconds rest and transition:
- Merkins (normal, uneven right hand high, uneven left hand high, derkin).
- Flutter kicks
- LBCs on odd rounds, Big Boys on even rounds
- Box Cutters
- Squats
- Good Mornings
- Lunges
- Dips
- No Surrenders
- Lap around the parking lot
Prayers for ReadyMix and his family as well as the Hooch AO.
Thanks for having this opportunity to strengthen and support each other.