School’s Not Quite Out For Summer
AO: Windjammer
When: 04/27/2022
QIC: Townie
PAX (9): Cox, False Start, Funyun, Hungry Hungry, Milli Vanilli, NRA, Stu, Surely, Townie
A welcome return to the Windjammer spa for some regulars. Beautiful crisp morning for a beatdown.
Mosey to the dam.
SSH’s, Weed picker, Imperial Walkers, Covids, Arm Circles
5 “Floating Ducks” aka “The Goose” What’s a floating duck or a goose you ask? Well it’s a burpee where you plank for a 5 count at the top of the Mercan. In honor of our very own Surely, who once commented “That duck looks like it’s floating”. It was indeed floating in the water. Because it’s a duck. Ducks float. How do we add this to the exicon?
Mosey back to parking lot
The Thang:
All PAX Grab a coupon
Turn on a 90’s Playlist
This is a repeat of a workout we did about 11 months ago for School’s Out For Summer. That playlist kinda sucked we’re going to pick a new one and repeat/modify the workout somewhat:
Count off 1’s and 2’s. We’ll be doing a group DORA. 1 group runs / 1 group exercises:
Song #1: Merkins: Regular / WideArm / Diamond
Song #2: Sit-ups: Big Boys / LBCs / Freddie Mercs
Song #3: Squats w/ Coupon
Song #4: Curls for the Gurls w/ Coupon (long lap)
Song #5: E2K’s: Right Side / Left Side
Song #6: Burpees
Song #7: Thrusters w/ Coupon (long lap)
Alpha Convergence is May 7th at Norseman 0630am. Passing of the Nantan Torch. Cookies for all who attend.
2.0 Beatdown is May 21st at Nirvana 0700-0800. Donuts, coffee, & juice to follow
Naked-Man Moleskin:
The Smashing Pumpkins were introduced to Stu this morning. Last Q I led we introduced him to 311. Glad to show our “wise” brother Stu some of the best the 90’s had to offer.
As always, honored to lead this group of men.
Stay upwind from Cox & Funyon.